Beneficial Microorganism “Super Decomposer”
“A one of a kind organic agriculture breakthrough.”
The beneficial microorganisms (BM) contained in the wonder catalyst known as the Bio Plus Activator (BPA) are cultured to be super active so they can perform their individual functions as efficiently as they are made to be. They have been isolated from natural sources and are not genetically modified or engineered. They are maintained in a genetically formulated food base consisting of trace minerals, amino and organic acids, enzymes, growth promoting substances and organic-based compounds such as chelating, coagulating, emulsifying, stabilizing as well as surface active agents.
Beneficial Microbes (BM) is a result of over 40 years of R&D which consists a selection of naturally-occurring micro-organism. With our technology, these Beneficial Microbes works synergistically together. Given the right environment, Beneficial Microbes are super active and multiply at exponential rate. This is why Beneficial Microbes are also known as “Super Decomposers”; they produce enzymes to enhance the breakdown of organic matter.
This unique character of BM can be applied across different industries, providing environmental friendly solutions for commercial purposes.